Act-Inno is a subsidiary of Insel Gruppe AG. It was established in 2019 by the Department of Cardiology and supports all cardiovascular translational activities. Klinisch arbeitende Kardiologinnen und Kardiologen verschiedenster Subspezialitäten arbeiten eng mit Ingenieurwissenschaftlern und Grundlagenforschenden zusammen.
PD Dr. med. Dr. phil. Andreas Haeberlin
Head of Act-Inno
Electrophysiologist specialized in complex device interventions; statistician
Prof. Dr. med. Fabien Praz
Head of Invasive Cardiology Act-Inno
Invasive cardiologist specialized in structural heart valve interventions
Martina Fidovski
Administrative management of Act-Inno
Olgica Beslac
Technical manager hybrid operating room
Veterinary technician
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Billinger
Chief Physician
Deputy Clinic Director Cardiology